Monday, March 12, 2007

Christian Tennis Association: ICTA California Day 11

Scott and Bill

This was the most amazing day of the entire mission trip so far!

God's presence is blowing us away. I really don't know where to start, and lots of stuff I won't really be able to explain in a blog entry. Doors are opening that only God can get to move. I'm growing stronger in my faith as well. Our first mission trip to Indian Wells for the 6th largest pro tournament in the world has been INCREDIBLE!

There is something inspiring about being here with an outreach booth passing out Bibles and tracks. Our 1000 new ICTA California members are a passionate, unique bunch for sure. And this Day 11 group has been a blast. I've loved meeting you!

How do you like this goofball pic of me and Bill!? Bill is an amazing person. God uses Bill and his ministry in special ways. Bill invests his life in youth discipleship. I've truly enjoyed hanging out with him these last few days. Bill not only has an amazing ministry reaching youth nationwide, but he is also the official photographer of a famous tennis player. Bill is connected with my strongest supporters and is a tremendous resource and friend.

For me this picture of me and Bill in a fun way represents other ministries boldly standing strong with me as God builds the International Christian Tennis Association. Our ministry is pretty young so it's so great to have mentors and friends who have my back.

Today was full of long awaited meetings. I met with several pastors, tennis players, an attorney, several physicians, teachers, and so many others. Planning for the future is special. Seeing people get involved is special. Seeing people realize they do matter in this world is special.

And the impact our missions tour is having makes the hard work worthwhile. Being on the road for 31 or 35 days can be pretty grueling. But, that's what it takes to pave roads that hopefully one day others can follow, and it is so great to see God's presence flowing. I truly can't begin to describe how special mission work is.

Our missions team is a fine tuned machine right now. We've traveled over 4500 miles and have met literally thousands of people. We are "in the zone" and can feel the excitement we're creating throughout the Pacific Life Open. It's fun to spend time with people planning ICTA activities for the summer. The tennis industry is starving for Jesus. God sized holes in the hearts of those we meet are being filled.

This morning at breakfast at Ralph's grocery store in their eating area we enjoyed a wonderful Bible study. As we were finishing a lady came up and thanked us. She said it was wonderful to listen to us, and was so glad to see teens being guided in God's word.

We have a new tennis camp starting in the morning. I look forward to hitting when we are on the road. Touring for 16 days straight is hard work. I love taking some time off and working out. And let me tell you ho excited I am to head to the Grand Canyon and give out Bibles & Christian tracks.

As we enter the last days of this mission trip I am busily preparing for our next! So exciting to follow the Great Commission. What a way to live a life. I am a fortunate person. I feel very blessed to live the life God has made for me.

Before I go, just wanted to mention this incredible video... you'll want to see this music video by Chris Tomlin on Yahoo music. Click here.

Growing the game and sharing His fame,



Joe volunteering in the ICTA booth!

Mark and Joe in between matches.

So many new ICTA California members!

Definitely the cutest new member of the day!