Thursday, March 1, 2007

Christian Tennis Association California Mission Trip : Day 1

The International Christian Tennis Association heartbeat is that of a missions organization.

We're not just a cool, world-class tennis academy where top player come to increase their tennis skills and deepen their faith. We're not just a college ministry spreading throughout the NCCAA tennis scene.

The ICTA is a relevant, God-blessed sports ministry with a heart for reaching lost souls.

That said, ICTA is heavily pursuing building our own tennis facility. We want to have enough room to house and train between 30-35 fulltime students with additional room for 10-15 part-time students.

The facility will be a missionary factory... guiding, developing, mentoring, supporting tennis players at the junior and pro level. Teaching them about Jesus and instilling in the hearts the Great Commission as commanded by Jesus and written by Mathew. Personally, I'd like to pack the college and pro tennis scene with hundreds of highly trained Christian tennis missionaries and watch them impact the secular world for Him.

What does this have to do with ICTA California? Everything.

I'll write about it more in upcoming blog entries. For now, suffice to say I'd like to thank the men who have surrounded me, guiding and mentoring me, while opening opportunities for the ICTA heartbeat to go global this year.

To the over 500 new ICTA members & friends we gained in Memphis last week, I look forward to connecting you with upcoming ICTA California. Combined, the 1500 or so of you can become a powerful force for Christ within the tennis world and beyond. A strong body of believers linked by a common bond focused on strengthening your faith by following the Great Commission of Christ.

Your International Christian Tennis Association staff is back in Palm Coast, Florida. We're preparing to attend one of the largest pro tournaments in the world, the Pacific Life Open.

This is a huge undertaking. Please keep us in your prayers as we have our members and guests in ours.

Growing the game and sharing His fame,

Scott Paschal